1.5 Experiments: preindustrial control with interactive ice sheet (piControl-withism)

Record Label : piControl-withism

Record Title : preindustrial control with interactive ice sheet

Record identifier : f16e6d50-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : The pre-industrial control in a model with interactive ice sheet model. The experiment should be identical to the corresponding standard CMIP AOGCM experiment except for the treatment of ice sheets. The spin up may require the GCM and ISM to be asynchronously coupled until the system reaches quasi-equilibrium. Once equilibrium is reached, run for multi-hundred years (500 years suggested).

Identifier for experiment group : Ismip61

MIP defining experiment : ISMIP6

Model Source Types : AOGCM ISM | AER CHEM BGC

Tier of Experiment : 1

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 1850.0

End year : 2349

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 500

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 500

Comment : Pre-industrial control simulation that includes interactive ice sheets