1.5 Experiments: control plus perturbative surface flux of momentum into ocean (faf-stress)

Record Label : faf-stress

Record Title : control plus perturbative surface flux of momentum into ocean

Record identifier : f16e0c20-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : Impose a perturbation in surface zonal and meridional momentum flux i.e. wind stress. The stress perturbation is added to the momentum balance of the ocean water surface. The stress perturbation is calculated from the ensemble mean of the CMIP5 1pctCO2 simulations at the time of CO2 doubling. Its dominant feature is the increase in westerly windstress in the Southern Ocean. Impose pre-industrial atmospheric conditions. Branch from the piControl at the same point as the 1pctCO2 experiment.

Identifier for experiment group : Fafmip1

MIP defining experiment : FAFMIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM | AER CHEM BGC

Tier of Experiment : 1

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 1.0

End year : 70.0

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 70

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 70

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