1.5 Experiments: historical solar-only run (hist-sol)

Record Label : hist-sol

Record Title : historical solar-only run

Record identifier : f16da636-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : This experiment resembles hist-nat (histNat) except that simulations are driven by solar forcing only.

Identifier for experiment group : Damip6

MIP defining experiment : DAMIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM | AER CHEM BGC

Tier of Experiment : 3

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 1850.0

End year : 2020.0

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 171

Ensemble size : 3

Total number of years : 513

Comment : Historical solar-only transient simulation using settings from CMIP6 historical simulation but fixed GHG&ODS (1850 level)