1.5 Experiments: experiment forced with pre-industrial SSTs, sea ice and atmospheric constituents (piSST)

Record Label : piSST

Record Title : experiment forced with pre-industrial SSTs, sea ice and atmospheric constituents

Record identifier : f16d718e-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : An AGCM experiment with monthly-varying SSTs, sea-ice, atmospheric constituents and any other necessary boundary conditions (e.g. vegetation if required) taken from each model's own piControl simulation (using the 30 years of piControl that are parallel to years 111-140 of its abrupt4xCO2 run). Dynamic vegetation should be turned off in all the piSST set of experiments and the vegetation distribution that is output from the piControl simulation used.

Identifier for experiment group : Cfmip4

MIP defining experiment : CFMIP

Model Source Types : AGCM | AER CHEM

Tier of Experiment : 2

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : Year 111 of abrupt4xCO2

End year : Year 140 of abrupt4xCO2

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 30

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 30

Comment : An AGCM experiment with monthly-varying SSTs, sea-ice, atmospheric constituents and any other necessary boundary conditions (e.g. vegetation if required) taken from each model's own piControl run (using the 30 years of piControl that are parallel to years 111-140 of its abrupt4xCO2 run). Dynamic vegetation should be turned off in all the piSST set of experiments