1.5 Experiments: 1 percent per year increasing CO2 experiment with increasing N-deposition (1pctCO2Ndep)

Record Label : 1pctCO2Ndep

Record Title : 1 percent per year increasing CO2 experiment with increasing N-deposition

Record identifier : f16d2c2e-dd9e-11e6-b89b-ac72891c3257

Description : Fully-coupled concentration driven 1% per year increasing CO2 up to 4XCO2 simulation with time varying nitrogen deposition. Only applicable to models whose simulation will be affected by the deposition of reactive nitrogen either due to terrestrial or marine nitrogen cycle effects on carbon fluxes and store.

Identifier for experiment group : C4mip3

MIP defining experiment : C4MIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM BGC | AER CHEM

Tier of Experiment : 2

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 1850.0

End year : 1999

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 150

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 140

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