1.5 Experiments: pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 NTCF emissions (piClim-NTCF)

Record Label : piClim-NTCF

Record Title : pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 NTCF emissions

Record identifier : 70e417f4-54ca-11e7-a104-5404a60d96b5

Description : Fixed SST ERF simulation. Use pre-industrial climatological average SST and sea-ice distributions. Apply pre-industrial concentrations of WMGHG (well mixed greenhouse gases) and present day (2014) emissions of NTCF (near-term climate forcers). This is a timeslice experiment of 30 years total.

Identifier for experiment group : Aerchemmip5

MIP defining experiment : AerChemMIP

Model Source Types : AGCM AER | CHEM BGC

Tier of Experiment : 1

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 1850.0

End year : 1850.0

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 30

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 30

Comment : Perturbation from 1850 control using 2014 aerosol and ozone precursor emissions