1.5 Experiments: highresSST-present SST with 4xCO2 concentrations (highresSST-4xCO2)

Record Label : highresSST-4xCO2

Record Title : highresSST-present SST with 4xCO2 concentrations

Record identifier : 6532c230-4cfe-11e7-903f-5404a60d96b5

Description : Similar to the CFMIP amip-4xCO2 experiment but with CO2 concentations quadrupled. Historical atmosphere-only simulations of the near past (1979-2014). HadISST2.2 sea surface temperature and sea ice concentrations at daily 1/4 degree resolution to be used (Kennedy et al. 2017, in prep). The CO2 concentration seen by the radiation scheme is quadrupled with respect to the CMIP6 amip experiment. If the carbon cycle remains active, it should continue to "see" highresSST-present CO2 concentrations. For optimal comparison between models the use of plume aerosol cocentrations are recommended (rather than emissions). At least one ensemble member at high resolution, minimum 25-50 km at mid-latitudes. Initial conditions from the highresSST-present experiment.

Identifier for experiment group : Highresmip3

MIP defining experiment : HighResMIP

Model Source Types : AGCM | AER

Tier of Experiment : 3

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 2015.0

End year : 2050.0

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 36

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 36

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