1.5 Experiments: as LFMIP-pdLC with Land-Hist-cruNcep (lfmip-pdLC-cruNcep)

Record Label : lfmip-pdLC-cruNcep

Record Title : as LFMIP-pdLC with Land-Hist-cruNcep

Record identifier : 623a9b2c-4cfc-11e7-903f-5404a60d96b5

Description : Scenario forced experiment with prescribed land surface climatology derived from land-hist-cruNcep (1980-2014). The experiment is comprised of transient coupled atmosphere-ocean simulations in which a selection of land surface characteristics is prescribed rather than interactively calculated in the model. The "climatological" land surface forcing is calculated as the mean annual cycle in the period 1980-2014 from the land-hist-cruNcep simulations.

Identifier for experiment group : LFMIP

MIP defining experiment : LS3MIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM | AER CHEM BGC

Tier of Experiment : 2

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 1980.0

End year : 2100.0

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 121

Ensemble size : 1

Total number of years : 484

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