1.5 Experiments: coupled future 2015-2050 using a scenario as close to CMIP5 RCP8.5 as possible within CMIP6 (highres-future)

Record Label : highres-future

Record Title : coupled future 2015-2050 using a scenario as close to CMIP5 RCP8.5 as possible within CMIP6

Record identifier : 6131bd34-4cff-11e7-903f-5404a60d96b5

Description : High forcing (ScenarioMIP SSP5-85) future scenario (2015-2050) coupled ocean atmosphere simulations at high and standard resolution. For optimal comparison between models aerosol concentrations are recommended (rather than emissions). At least one ensemble member at high resolution, minimum atmosphere 25-50 km at mid-latitudes and ocean resolution of 0.25 degrees, and a minimum of daily coupling between ocean and atmosphere. At least one ensemble member at standard model resolution.

Identifier for experiment group : Highresmip2

MIP defining experiment : HighResMIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM | AER

Tier of Experiment : 2

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 2015

End year : 2050

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 36

Ensemble size : 2

Total number of years : 200

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