1.5 Experiments: concentration-driven fixed 2010 forcing (yr2010CO2)

Record Label : yr2010CO2

Record Title : concentration-driven fixed 2010 forcing

Record identifier : 56ed15d6-b104-11e8-96ca-1c4d70487308

Description : Branch from beginning of year 2010 of the historical simulation with CO2 concentration held constant at 389 ppm. All other forcings (anthropogenic, solar and volcanic) are held fixed at 2010 levels. Anthropogenic forcing includes aerosols, non-CO2 greenhouse gasses, and land use changes. During this run, compatible emissions should be frequently diagnosed (at least annually). ESMs should continue the run at 389 ppm for at least 105 years, while EMICs (Earth System Models of Intermediate Complexity) and box models are encouraged to continue the run for as long as needed for the subsequent simulations in the CDR-yr2010-pulse experiment (e.g., 1000+ years).

Identifier for experiment group : CDRMIP

MIP defining experiment : CDRMIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM BGC | AER CHEM

Tier of Experiment : 3

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 2010

End year : 2115

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 106

Ensemble size : 3

Total number of years : 106

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