1.5 Experiments: emission-driven SSP5-3.4-OS scenario (esm-ssp534-over)

Record Label : esm-ssp534-over

Record Title : emission-driven SSP5-3.4-OS scenario

Record identifier : 56ed15d2-b104-11e8-96ca-1c4d70487308

Description : CO2 emissions driven SSP5-3.4 overshoot scenario simulation optionally extending to year 2300. The scenario branches from SSP5-8.5, an unmitigated baseline scenario, at the beginning of 2040 when substantially negative net emissions are applied. All non-CO2 forcing should be identical to that in the ScenarioMIP experiments: ssp534-over and ssp534-over-ext. If computational resources are sufficient, the esm-ssp534-over simulation should be continued for at least another 1000 years with year 2300 forcing; i.e., the forcing is held constant at year 2300 levels as the simulation continues for as long as possible (up to 5000 years). Include all anthropogenic, solar, and volcanic forcing. Anthropogenic forcing includes aerosol emissions, non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions, and land use changes. CO2 concentration calculated (i.e. emission driven).

Identifier for experiment group : CDRMIP

MIP defining experiment : CDRMIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM BGC | AER CHEM

Tier of Experiment : 2

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 2015

End year : 2100 or 2300

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 61

Ensemble size : 3

Total number of years : 61

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