1.5 Experiments: emission-driven SSP5-8.5 scenario but with ocean alkalinization from year 2020 onward (esm-ssp585-ocn-alk)

Record Label : esm-ssp585-ocn-alk

Record Title : emission-driven SSP5-8.5 scenario but with ocean alkalinization from year 2020 onward

Record identifier : 56ed15cb-b104-11e8-96ca-1c4d70487308

Description : Emission driven SSP5-8.5 scenario with ocean alkalinity forcing, optionally extending from 2100 to the year 2300. Beginning on 1 January 2020 add 0.14 Pmol total alkalinity (TA)/yr to ice free ocean surface waters from between 70N and 60S. All other forcing is as in the esm-ssp585 experiment. Include all anthropogenic, solar, and volcanic forcing. Anthropogenic forcing includes aerosol emissions, non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions, and land use changes. CO2 concentration calculated (i.e. emission driven).

Identifier for experiment group : CDRMIP

MIP defining experiment : CDRMIP

Model Source Types : AOGCM BGC | AER CHEM

Tier of Experiment : 2

Number of Start Dates : 1

Start year : 2020

End year : 2100 or 2300

Years per Simulation Including all Start Years : 81

Ensemble size : 3

Total number of years : 81

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