Data Request Section: 1.5 Experiments (experiment)
The experiment record contains the key information from the 'Experiment' sheet of the request template, including the tier of the experiment, the duration and start and end dates.
amip-hist: AMIP-style simulation covering the period 1870-2014
amip-hld: same as "amip" run, but surface elevations of the East African Highlands in Africa, Sierra Madre in N. America and Andes in S. America reduced to 500m
amip-lfmip-pdLC: prescribed modern land surface climatology from historical, prescribed SST and sea-ice from historical plus scenario runs
amip-lfmip-pObs: prescribed land (from pseudo-observations) and AMIP SSTs
amip-lfmip-rmLC: prescribed land surface climatology from historical plus scenario 30yr running mean, prescribed SST and sea-ice from historical plus scenario runs
amip-lwoff: AMIP experiment with longwave cloud-radiative effects off
faf-all: control plus perturbative surface fluxes of momentum, heat and water into ocean
faf-antwater-stress: control plus perturbative surface fluxes of momentum and freshwater into ocean, the latter around the coast of Antarctica only
faf-heat: control plus perturbative surface flux of heat into ocean
faf-heat-NA0pct: control plus perturbative surface flux of heat into ocean
faf-heat-NA50pct: control plus perturbative surface flux of heat into ocean
faf-passiveheat: control plus surface flux of passive heat tracer into ocean
faf-stress: control plus perturbative surface flux of momentum into ocean
faf-water: control plus perturbative surface flux of water into ocean
futSST-pdSIC: Atmosphere time slice with future SST and present day SIC
futureSST-4xCO2-solar: year 100 SSTs from abrupt-4xCO2 with quadrupled CO2 and solar reduction
G1: abrupt quadrupling of CO2 plus reduction in total solar irradiance
G6solar: total solar irradiance reduction to reduce net forcing from SSP585 to SSP245
G6SST1: SSTs, forcings, and other prescribed conditions from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5
G6SST2-solar: SSTs from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5; forcings and other prescribed conditions from year 2100 of G6solar
G6SST2-sulfur: SSTs from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5; forcings and other prescribed conditions from year 2100 of G6sulfur
G6sulfur: stratospheric sulfate aerosol injection to reduce net forcing from SSP585 to SSP245
G7cirrus: increase cirrus ice crystal fall speed to reduce net forcing in SSP585 by 1 W m-2
G7SST1-cirrus: SSTs from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5; forcings and other prescribed conditions from year 2020 of SSP5-8.5 and cirrus thinning
G7SST2-cirrus: SSTs from year 2100 of SSP5-8.5; forcings and other prescribed conditions from year 2100 of G7cirrus
highres-future: coupled future 2015-2050 using a scenario as close to CMIP5 RCP8.5 as possible within CMIP6
highresSST-4xCO2: highresSST-present SST with 4xCO2 concentrations
highresSST-future: forced atmosphere experiment for 2015-2050 using SST/sea-ice derived from CMIP5 RCP8.5 simulations and a scenario as close to RCP8.5 as possible within CMIP6
highresSST-LAI: common LAI dataset within the highresSST-present experiment
highresSST-p4K: uniform 4K warming of highresSST-present SST
ssp370SST-lowNTCFCH4: SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with low NTCF emissions and methane concentrations
hist-piAer: historical forcing, but with pre-industrial aerosol emissions
hist-piNTCF: historical forcing, but with pre-industrial NTCF emissions
hist-resAMO: initialized from "historical" run year 1870 and SSTs in the AMO domain (0deg-70degN, 70degW-0deg) restored to AMIP SSTs with historical forcings
hist-resIPO: initialized from "historical" run year 1870 and SSTs in tropical lobe of the IPO domain (20degS-20degN, 175degE-75degW) restored to AMIP SSTs with historical forcings
modelSST-futArcSIC: Atmosphere time slice with present day coupled model SST and future Arctic SIC
modelSST-pdSIC: Atmosphere time slice present day control with coupled model SST
omip1: OMIP experiment forced by Large and Yeager (CORE-2, NCEP) atmospheric data set and initialized with observed physical and biogeochemical ocean data
omip1-spunup: OMIP experiment forced by Large and Yeager (CORE-2, NCEP) atmospheric data set and initialized from at least a 2000-year spin up of the coupled physical-biogeochemical model
omip2: OMIP experiment forced by JRA55-do atmospheric data set and initialized with observed physical and biogeochemical ocean data
omip2-spunup: OMIP experiment forced by JRA55-do atmospheric data set and initialized from at least a 2000-year spin up of the coupled physical-biogeochemical model
pa-futAntSIC: Partially-coupled time slice constrained by future Antarctic SIC
pa-futAntSIC-ext: Partially-coupled extended simulation with future Antarctic SIC
pa-futArcSIC: Partially-coupled time slice constrained by future Arctic SIC
pa-futArcSIC-ext: Partially-coupled extended simulation with future Arctic SIC
pa-pdSIC: Partially-coupled time slice contrained by present day SIC
pa-pdSIC-ext: Partially-coupled extended simulation constrained by present day SIC
pa-piAntSIC: Partially-coupled time slice with pre-industrial Antarctic SIC
ssp434: gap-filling scenario reaching 3.4 based on SSP4
pa-piArcSIC: Partially-coupled time slice constrained by pre-industrial Arctic SIC
piSST-pxK: as piSST with uniform SST increase with magnitude based on abrupt-4xCO2 response
rad-irf: offline assessment of radiative transfer parmeterizations in clear skies
rcp26-cmip5: future projection based on CMIP5-era RCP2.6 scenario (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing)
rcp45-cmip5: future projection based on CMIP5-era RCP4.5 scenario (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing)
rcp60-cmip5: future projection based on CMIP5-era RCP6.0 scenario (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing)
rcp85-cmip5: future projection based on CMIP5-era RCP8.5 scenario (CMIP5-era [2006-2100] forcing)
spinup-1950: coupled spinup with fixed 1950s forcings from 1950 initial conditions (with ocean at rest) to provide initial condition for control-1950 and hist-1950
ssp119: low-end scenario reaching 1.9 W m-2, based on SSP1