Record Label : hfsnthermds2d
Record Title : Heat Flux into Sea Water Due to Snow Thermodynamics
Record Identifier : baa68c80-e5dd-11e5-8482-ac72891c3257
Link to a record specifying the structure of the variable : str-a098
MIP Variable : hfsnthermds
Deflate: NetCDF compression parameter :
Deflate Level: NetCDF compression parameter :
Shuffle: NetCDF compression parameter :
Indicative priority for this parameter, which is over-ruled by the requestVar priority setting, but provides a reference for organisation of the CMORvariables : 2
Data value type, e.g. float or double : real
Modeling Realm : ocean
CMOR Directive Positive :
Section of a table : Omon_oth
Link to MIP table record : Omon
The MIP table : Omon
Provenance : Omon ((isd.003))
Processing Notes : If only the vertically integrated heat flux is available, report as this 2-d field; otherwise hfsnthermds should be used.
Provenance Note : Omon_oth
Frequency of Time Steps to be Archived : mon
Row index of entry in source sheet : 85
Description : In accordance with common usage in geophysical disciplines, "flux" implies per unit area, called "flux density" in physics. The specification of a physical process by the phrase due_to_process means that the quantity named is a single term in a sum of terms which together compose the general quantity named by omitting the phrase. "Snow thermodynamics" refers to the addition or subtraction of mass due to surface and basal fluxes, i.e., due to melting, sublimation and fusion.
Sub-group of variables in a table : Omon_oth
Request variable (carrying priority and link to group) :