Record Label : soga
Record Title : Global Mean Sea Water Salinity
Record Identifier : baa55086-e5dd-11e5-8482-ac72891c3257
Link to a record specifying the structure of the variable : str-135
MIP Variable : soga
Deflate: NetCDF compression parameter :
Deflate Level: NetCDF compression parameter :
Shuffle: NetCDF compression parameter :
Indicative priority for this parameter, which is over-ruled by the requestVar priority setting, but provides a reference for organisation of the CMORvariables : 1
Data value type, e.g. float or double : real
Modeling Realm : ocean
CMOR Directive Positive :
Section of a table : Omon_oth
Link to MIP table record : Omon
The MIP table : Omon
Provenance : Omon ((isd.003))
Provenance Note : Omon_oth
Frequency of Time Steps to be Archived : mon
Row index of entry in source sheet : 21
Description : Sea water salinity is the salt content of sea water, often on the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978. However, the unqualified term 'salinity' is generic and does not necessarily imply any particular method of calculation. The units of salinity are dimensionless and the units attribute should normally be given as 1e-3 or 0.001 i.e. parts per thousand.
Sub-group of variables in a table : Omon_oth
Quality Control Ranges : Guide ranges for soga (table Omon)