Record Label : rsdscs
Record Title : Surface Downwelling Clear-Sky Shortwave Radiation
Record Identifier : 8008dbd6-f906-11e6-a176-5404a60d96b5
Link to a record specifying the structure of the variable : str-d09
MIP Variable : rsdscs
Deflate: NetCDF compression parameter :
Deflate Level: NetCDF compression parameter :
Shuffle: NetCDF compression parameter :
Indicative priority for this parameter, which is over-ruled by the requestVar priority setting, but provides a reference for organisation of the CMORvariables : 1
Data value type, e.g. float or double : real
Modeling Realm : atmos
CMOR Directive Positive : down
Link to MIP table record : CFsubhr
The MIP table : CFsubhr
Provenance : CFsubhr ((isd.003))
Processing Notes : This table includes the 2-D variables listed in the "Amon" spreadsheet, omitting, however, the daily maximum and minimum temperatures. All variables should be reported as synoptic fields, not daily means.
Provenance Note :
Frequency of Time Steps to be Archived : subhrPt
Row index of entry in source sheet : 1038
Description : Surface solar irradiance clear sky for UV calculations
Request variable (carrying priority and link to group) : rsdscs ((isd.006))