1.3 CMOR Variable: Cloud-Top Effective Droplet Radius (reffclwtop)

Record Label : reffclwtop

Record Title : Cloud-Top Effective Droplet Radius

Record Identifier : 19bef6d4-81b1-11e6-92de-ac72891c3257

Link to a record specifying the structure of the variable : str-013

MIP Variable : reffclwtop

Deflate: NetCDF compression parameter :

Deflate Level: NetCDF compression parameter :

Shuffle: NetCDF compression parameter :

Indicative priority for this parameter, which is over-ruled by the requestVar priority setting, but provides a reference for organisation of the CMORvariables : 1

Data value type, e.g. float or double : real

Modeling Realm : aerosol

CMOR Directive Positive :

Section of a table : AERmon-oth

Link to MIP table record : AERmon

The MIP table : AERmon

Provenance : AERmon ((isd.003))

Provenance Note : AERmon-oth

Frequency of Time Steps to be Archived : mon

Row index of entry in source sheet : -1

Description : Droplets are liquid only. This is the effective radius ""as seen from space"" over liquid cloudy portion of grid cell. This is the value from uppermost model layer with liquid cloud or, if available, or for some models it is the sum over all liquid cloud tops, no matter where they occur, as long as they are seen from the top of the atmosphere.TOA) each time sample when computing monthly mean. Reported values are weighted by total liquid cloud top fraction of (as seen from TOA) each time sample when computing monthly mean.

Request variable (carrying priority and link to group) :